Top Ten Tuesday – Spring cleaning edition

TTT is hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl (it was originally created over at The Broke and the Bookish) and she provides great prompts week in and week out to get us talking about books! 

Today’s edition is a ‘spring cleaning freebie’ and I’m going for cleaning out my TBR, selecting 10 books I own that have sat on my TBR for so long, that I’m no longer sure if I want to read them.

Now, there is a strange mix of genres here. My list features quite a lot of YA, contemporary and romance as it’s a genre I often get caught up in the hype of, but then don’t actually read that much of. It’s also quite an oversaturated genre and it can be difficult to determine what’ll be a gem and what’s more of a mediocre read. So, any advice would be appreciated!

There’s also some other titles, some that were big award-winners around their time but yet I still haven’t got a round to. Are they all worth keeping on the list?

My Name Is Leon by Kit De Waal

I picked up a hard copy of this a few years ago, when I happened to wander into a bookstore which had editions signed by the author. It’s a story of two young siblings growing up in 1980s Britain. It received a few accolades and awards at the time, and yet I still haven’t got around to it.

The Sky Is Everywhere by Jandy Nelson

Another one I got years ago – I think it may have been a Kindle freebie. I know this YA contemporary author has some loyal fans – but this book about a girl grieving the death of her sister just sounds a little depressing. Should I bite the bullet and give it a try?

Delirium by Lauren Oliver

When this book was everywhere I really wanted to get my hands on a copy. It’s probably a book that been on my TBR the longest, and I have actually read other books by this author since. But, I’m 10 years older than when it was released, and I’m just not sure the story still holds the same appeal. Maybe I’ll give it a try when I’m in the right mood.

The Luminaries by Eleanor Catton

A historical murder mystery with a hint of supernatural and a Booker Prize winner, this book really appeals to me. BUT, it’s super long – probably the most off-putting thing about any book for me.

Life of Pi by Yann Martel

This is another Booker Prize winner that I know I should read – I just haven’t quite got around to it yet.

A Thousand Pieces Of You by Claudia Grey

I think I was mainly attracted to this because of its gorgeous cover. It’s a YA offering about travelling between dimensions, which sounds super intriguing.

Me and Earl and the Dying Girl by Jesse Andrews

Another YA with a lot of hype and the potential to be very depressing. I probably will give this a try at some point.

The Winner’s Curse by Marie Rutkoski

This is a YA dystopian, the first in a series which seems to have received some mixed reviews. I think it’s another one where I got sucked in by an intriguing cover, but hopefully the story lives up to it.

The Tea Rose by Jennifer Donnelly

This series seems to have a bit of a cult following – as far as I can make out it’s a historical drama/romance set during the time of Jack the Ripper. It’s also quite long.

November 9 by Colleen Hoover

Colleen Hoover is an author who has such a loyal fan base, but I’ve still never read! I actually have two of her books on my Kindle – this and Maybe Someday. I’m rarely in the mood for this type of romance read, but I’m hoping the urge will take me at some point.

Have you read any of these? What are you spring cleaning from your shelves this month? Let me know in the comments!


Filed under Book Lists

12 responses to “Top Ten Tuesday – Spring cleaning edition

  1. lydiaschoch

    I was not a big fan of the writing style of Life of Pi. It felt over-written to me. (But clearly lots of people did like it). 🙂

    My post:

    • Yep,I guess everyone has different tastes though and I’m just not sure how much it appeals to me. Will have to see if I get around to trying it this year. Thanks for visiting!

  2. Do you read them all?

  3. I’ve had the Luminaries sitting on my shelves for literal years, for the exact same reason! Some day I will get over extraordinary length being such a reading deterrent, but honestly, there are just so many other books to read, too.

    I read Me, Earl, and the Dying Girl and enjoyed it, but it was about four years ago at this point. Definitely remember it being a bit of a tearjerker, though… but also quite short! Maybe have a go at it when you have a free afternoon and are willing to get bummed out a little.

  4. I haven’t read any of these, although I want to read The Luminaries.

  5. I wish I could weigh in on this, but I haven’t read a single one of these! Though Me and Earl and the Dying Girl has been hanging out on my TBR pile for way longer than I care to admit.

  6. Very interesting list! There are some on here that I haven’t even heard of, but I guess that’s a good thing as they would most likely become buried in my TBR. 🙂

  7. Great list, I really liked The Winner’s Curse trilogy! 😀

  8. I loved November 9, and really enjoyed The Sky Is Everywhere and Life Of Pi as well.

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